Books For Clients, Children And Professionals
Books for clients:
- Ahrons, Constance, “The Good Divorce: Keeping your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart” (1998, Harper Press)
- Ahrons, Constance, “We`re Still Family: What Grown Children Have to Say About Their Parent`s Divorce” (2004, Harper Collins)
- Ackerman, Marc, Ph.D., “Does Wednesday Mean Mom`s House or Dad`s? Parenting Together While Living Apart” (1997, Wiley Press)
- Blackstone-Ford, Jann and Jupe, Shary, “Ex-Etiquette for Parents: Good Behavior After A Divorce or Separation” (2004, Chicago Review)
- Brook, Noel and Klein, Arthur C., “The Single Parent Resource” (1998, Champion Press)
- Cameron, Nancy J., Susan Gamache, and Doreen Gardner Gardner, “Collaborative Divorce: Deepening the Dialogue” (2004, Continuing Education Society of British Columbia).
- Clapp, Genevieve, “Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-parenting, and Stepfamilies” (2000, Wiley)
- Ellison, Sharon, “Taking the War Out of Our Words: The Art of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication” (2009, Wyatt-Mackenzie Publishing)
- Emery, Robert, “The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive” (2004, Penguin)
- Fisher, Roger, Ury, William L. and Patton, Bruce, “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” (2006, Penguin)
- Folberg, Jay, Ann Milne, and Peter Salem, eds. “Divorce and Family Mediation: Models, Techniques, and Applications” (2004, The Guilford Press).
- Friedman, Gary J., and Jack Himmelstein “A Guide to Divorce Mediation: How to Reach a Fair, Legal Settlement at a Fraction of the Cost” (1993, Workman).
- Gerlach, Peter K, “Build a Co-parenting Team: After Divorce or Remarriage” (Stepfamily Information Series, 2003, Xlibris Press)
- Hannibal, Mary Ellen, “Good Parenting Through Your Divorce: The Essential Guidebook To Helping Your Children Adjust and Thrive Based on the Leading National Program” (2006, Marlowe and Company)
- Hart, Archibald D., “Helping Children Survive Divorce” (1997, Thomas Publishers) Kalter, Neil, “Growing Up with Divorce” (1990, The Free Press)
- Leman, Kevin, “Single Parenting That Works: Six Keys to Raising Happy, Healthy Children in a Single-parent Home” (2006, Tyndale House Publishing)
- Neuman, M. Gary, “Helping Your Child the Sandcastle Way” (1999, Random House)
- Ousky, Ron and Webb, Stuart, “The Collaborative Way to Divorce: The Revolutionary Method that Results in Less Stress, Lower Costs, and Happier Kids- Without Going to Court” (2006, Hudson Press)
- Phillips, Barbara Ashley, “Finding Common Ground: A Field Guide to Mediation” (1994, Hells Canyon Publishing).
- Ricci, Isolina, “Mom`s House, Dad`s House: Making Two Homes for Your Child” (2006, Fireside)
- Ross, Julie A. and Corcoran, Judy, “Joint Custody With a Jerk: Raising a Child with an Uncooperative Ex: A Hands On, Practical Guide to Coping with Custody Issues That Arise with an Uncooperative Ex- Spouse” (1996, Saint Martin`s Griffin Press)
- Schneider, Meg and Zuckerberg, Joan, Ph.D. “Difficult Questions Kids are Too Afraid to Ask about Divorce” (2006, Fireside Press).
- Shields, Richard W., Judith P. Ryan, and Victoria L. Smith, “Collaborative Family Law: Another Way to Resolve Family Disputes” (2003, Thomson Carswell).
- Stahl, Philip Michael, “Parenting After Divorce: A Guide to Resolving Conflicts and Meeting Your Children`s Needs” (2002, Impact Publishers)
- Stone, Douglas Patton, Heen, Sheila and Fisher, Roger,” Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most “(2000, Penguin Books)
- Tavris, Carol, and Elliot Aronson. “Mistakes Were Made (but Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts” Orlando, FL. (2007, Harcourt)
- Tesler, Pauline and Thompson, Peggy, “Collaborative Divorce: The Revolutionary New Way to Restructure Your Family, Resolve Legal Issues, and Move on With Your Life” (2006, Regan Press)
- Thayer, Elizabeth, Ph.D. and Zimmerman, Jeffrey, Ph.D., “The Co-Parenting Survival Guide: Letting Go of Conflict After a Difficult Divorce” (2001, New Harbinger Publications)
- Thomas, Shirley, Parents are Forever: “A Step By Step Guide to Becoming Successful Coparents After Divorce” (2004, Springboard Press)
- Wallerstein, Judith, Ph.D. and Blakesee, Sandra, “What about the Kids? Raising Your Children Before, During and After Divorce” (2003, Hyperion Press)
- Wisdom, Susan and Green, Jennifer, “Stepcoupling: Creating and Sustaining a Strong Marriage in Today`s Blended Family” (2002, Three Rivers Press)
Books for Children:
- Brown, Marc and Brown, Laurie, Krasny, “Dinosaur Divorce” (1988, Little Brown Young Readers)
- Lansky, Vicki, “It`s Not Your Fault, Koko Bear: A Read-Together Book For Parents and Young Children During Divorce” (1997, The Book Peddlers)
- Lebowitz, Marcia, Lipman and Bourgault, Pamela M., “I Think Divorce Stinks” (1992, CDL Press)
- Masurel, Claire and Denton, Kady Macdonald, “Two Homes” (2003, Candlewick)
- Ransom, Jeanie Franz,” I Don`t Want to Talk About It” (2002, Magination Press)
Books for Professionals:
- Fisher, R. & Shapiro, Daniel L., “Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate” (2005, New York, NY: Penguin Group Penguin Books USA Inc).
- MacFarlane, Julie , “The New Lawyer: How Settlement is Transforming the Practice of Law” (2006, Vancouver, BC: UBC Press)
- Mayer, B., “Beyond Neutrality. Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution” (2004, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers)
- Mayer, B., “The Dynamics of Conflict: A Practitioner`s Guide” 2006, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers)
- Mnookin, R.H., Peppet, S.C., & Tulumello, A.S. , “Beyond Winning: Negotiating to Create Value in Deals and Disputes” (2000, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press)