Divorce Litigation
While we provide consensual dispute resolution options for our clients such as mediation and collaborative divorce, we realize that this may not be a realistic option for all divorcing couples. Partners Hal Bartholomew and Diane Wasznicky are both Certified Family Law Specialists by the California Board of Legal Specialization. We have the ability to tackle even the most complex family law issues. Family law issues, especially involving children, run the gamut from amicable to volatile, and we can handle the full range.
We know from experience that, in some cases, litigation becomes the only way forward, especially when any of the following is true for either party:
- Domestic violence
- Hiding assets
- Refusal to compromise, even for the sake of the children’s well-being
- A history of extramarital affairs, gambling away marital assets or otherwise dissipating marital assets
If your divorce process so far is marked by acrimony and dead-end negotiations, you need an experienced and determined family law litigator on your side. Our divorce attorneys are accomplished trial lawyers who are ready to stand fast in support of your parental rights and long-term financial security. They will fight for you when negotiations with your spouse are consistently fruitless.
Areas Of Divorce That May Need To Go Before A Court
We can present compelling arguments on your behalf before a judge and/or jury regarding disputes over any of the following:
- Disclosure of all assets, including executive benefits, cyber currency and offshore properties
- Discovery of debts, income and expenses that are hard to document, such as cash transactions and business liabilities
- Custody and support of minor children born of the marriage
- Spousal support parameters: yes or no; how much and for how long
- Proposed property division that may put one spouse at a great tax disadvantage
- Failure to adhere to court orders over custody, support or sale of real estate and distribution of proceedings
- Property division when a domestic partnership is breaking up
Rest assured, we are keenly aware of your likely financial concerns when litigation is the only way forward. Your overall, long-term best interests – taking into account all factors, including legal costs – are our overriding objective.
To Schedule A Consultation
We look forward to working with you to create a strategy to resolve your vexing divorce or separation disputes productively, even if that leads to litigation headed for the courtroom.
Reach our Sacramento law offices by email or by phone at 916-603-2913.