Summer weddings and June brides are right around the corner. If you’re engaged, getting a wedding and honeymoon planned can be a consuming process, but you can’t forget to start taking steps to protect your financial future as well. If you’re engaged, now is the time...
Divorce With Respect
Prenuptial Agreements
How to focus on the positives of a prenuptial agreement
Happiness and excitement are understandably the focus of a new engagement and wedding planning. Many people consider discussions surrounding prenuptial agreements to be negative and often avoid this topic for fear of putting a damper on the overall mood. However, you...
¿Se necesita un abogado en un acuerdo Prenupcial?
En la emoción de prepararse para una boda y una nueva vida con su futuro cónyuge, podría considerar entrar en un acuerdo prenupcial para planificar su futuro y garantizar la protección financiera de los dos. Aunque puede ser tentador redactar el acuerdo por su cuenta,...
California premarital agreements are all about property rights
In California, a prenuptial agreement, officially called a premarital agreement, deals primarily with the property rights of a couple about to marry. While many terms are similar to those in the prenups of other states, certain rules for creating the California...
Will a prenuptial agreement make an engagement awkward?
If you are recently engaged, congratulations! Marriage is a wonderful thing for two people who love each other and are committed to building a life together. As you start thinking about wedding plans, it is also good practice to start marriage plans - thinking about...
4 mistakes that could make a prenuptial agreement invalid
Imagine you are buying a new car. You find the one you love, put down a down payment, and sign the paperwork. But when the time comes to drive it off the lot, you learn that a mistake was made and you actually bought a different, more expensive car. This can be a...
Why millennials don’t consider prenups taboo
For many generations, a prenuptial agreement was treated as the harbinger of a doomed marriage. After all, if you're willing to draw up a contract about how to divide property before the marriage even starts, your relationship must not be that strong to begin with....
Etiquette for prenuptial agreement conversations
It is not uncommon for a couple to become newly engaged during the Independence Day holiday. If you're skeptical, think of it this way: a guy presents a fabulous ring, the gal is shocked and overjoyed; she says yes, and fireworks go off to exemplify the bliss of love....
Could a postnup serve as a reset button for your marriage?
Most people are familiar with prenuptial agreements, or "prenups," but what about "postnups?" The postnuptial agreement, which is drawn up after a couple marries rather than before, is gaining popularity, largely because it may strengthen the marital bond and give a...
Do I need a prenup? 5 questions to ask yourself
Getting married requires you to answer many questions, from "Will you marry me?" to "Do you take each other for better or worse?" While these questions may have easy answers, not all of them do. For instance, one question you may need to answer is "Should we be...