You were once two youngsters in love. You built a life and raised a family together. But things have changed over the past few years. You now realize that growing old together is not in the cards. Now that you know your marriage is over, the only thing left to do is...
Divorce With Respect
Firm News
Posting online about your divorce is not a good idea — but usually is not illegal
One of the first things we advise our divorce clients to do is to avoid discussing their case on social media. If you are feeling frustrated, frightened or angry at your ex, it is tempting in the moment to log onto Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to let everyone know...
Seven Guidelines For Divorced Parents During The COVID-19 Pandemic
The world is currently impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These times of uncertainty can be especially trying for parents. Circumstances are even more complicated for separated parents who share custody of their children. These seven guidelines were drafted by leaders...
Un vistazo a dividir cuentas de jubilación en un divorcio gris
Los números de divorcio son los más bajos de lo que han sido en años. Sin embargo, informes de Forbes dicen que el divorcio entre las parejas mayores se está moviendo en la dirección opuesta. En la última década, ha...
A look at dividing retirement accounts in a gray divorce
The overall rate of divorce is the lowest than it has been in years. However, Forbes reports that divorce among older couples is moving in the opposite direction. Over the last decade, it has been steadily increasing. Past posts have pointed out many of the aspects...
¿Qué es el anidamiento?
Cuando los niños están involucrados en un divorcio, en los ojos de sus padres y los ojos de la corte, sus intereses suelen ser los primeros. Una de las principales razones que las cortes se enfocan en el interés superior del niño es para...
What is birdnesting?
When children are involved in a divorce, their best interests usually come first-in both their parent's eyes and the court's eyes. One of the primary reasons that courts focus on the child's best interests is to preserve a sense of stability in the children's lives...
In a divorce, should you pay your spouse for the house?
The house you shared and where you raised your children as a married couple can have intense emotional power. As a result, it may be hard to leave it after a divorce. It is also probably your biggest financial investment and numbers alone can provide the best argument...
In a divorce, should you pay your spouse for the house?
The house you shared and where you raised your children as a married couple can have intense emotional power. As a result, it may be hard to leave it after a divorce. It is also probably your biggest financial investment and numbers alone can provide the best argument...
¿En un divorcio, debe usted pagar a su cónyuge para la casa?
La casa que compartieron y donde criaron a sus hijos como una pareja casada puede tener intenso poder emocional. Como resultado, puede ser difícil salir de la casa después de un divorcio. También la casa es probablemente tu mayor inversión...