You’ve found the perfect home in which to begin your post-divorce life. You can get it at a price you can’t afford to pass up. Can you go ahead and buy a home solely in your name, or will your soon-to-be-ex have to be considered a co-owner since you’re still legally...
Divorce With Respect
Can you protect your business when filing for divorce?
When you start a business, you believe it will be the source of financial support for you and your family for the foreseeable future. There’s a good chance you never thought divorce would become a reality. If you have decided to file for divorce, protecting the...
What are the grounds for divorce in California?
When you get married the last thing on your mind is divorce. Yet, statistics show that the United States of America has the sixth-highest divorce rate in the world. This means that nearly 50% of all marriages in 2022 will end in divorce. In California, nearly 200,000...
Dignity during divorce: How to stay stoic if you head to trial
While most divorce can be resolved outside of court, there will be times when even your best efforts aren’t enough to prevent your spouse from dragging you into the courtroom. It can be hard to maintain respect for your spouse or to feel that you have any dignity left...
Should you wait until the kids are 18 to file for divorce?
You were once two youngsters in love. You built a life and raised a family together. But things have changed over the past few years. You now realize that growing old together is not in the cards. Now that you know your marriage is over, the only thing left to do is...
Understanding a California default divorce
When filing for divorce, there are a lot of legal terms and concepts you may encounter. One term you may hear is "default divorce." A California default divorce occurs if your spouse (who did not file for divorce) does not file a written response to the divorce...
Tips to help your divorce move along more smoothly
If you or your spouse file for divorce, you may think the coming months will be torture. Nothing but conflict and disagreements at every turn. You may not realize that you set the stage for how your divorce plays out, and your actions and willingness to cooperate can...
How to tell your spouse you want to end your marriage
People who get married assume the relationship will last forever. While this is possible, things just don’t always work out that way. People who are unhappy in their marriage may explore the option of divorcing. Thinking carefully about this step is critical because...
If you’re over 50, is your marriage secure?
People often talk about divorce as if it’s something that happens to young couples. They talk about couples that got married too early and realized quickly that they had made a mistake. They may also talk about the seven-year itch, which indicates that people are more...
Why might divorce lead to behavior issues in children?
Parents who divorce must try to make decisions that are in the children’s best interests. This isn’t always easy, and the parents might not agree on how to make it happen. When parents can work together for the sake of the kids, everyone might be able to adjust to the...