If you’re preparing to divorce in your 50s or later, you’re likely looking forward to retirement. Whether it’s traveling the world, turning a long-time hobby into a full-time one or relaxing and enjoying life in a condo overlooking Lake Tahoe, you may wonder if that...
Divorce With Respect
Spousal Support
How long does long-term spousal support last in California?
Divorce often results in a variety of financial challenges, some of which can persist for years. Filing for divorce costs money, and the property division process necessarily splits assets between the former members of a couple. Additionally, the courts can sometimes...
3 reasons not to take a lump-sum spousal support payment
If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you may want to give some thought to pursuing spousal support. Doing so may allow you to maintain your current standard of living after your divorce concludes. If you are eligible for spousal support, also called...
Factors that affect how long spousal support lasts
Spousal support is often an issue that needs to be addressed in a divorce. It is most common in situations where a couple is well off and has a certain quality of life during their marriage. You may also receive these payments even if during the marriage you and your...
Clearing up a spousal support misconception
Spousal support is a touchy subject for some people. Part of the issue with it is that people do not understand some aspects of the law regarding support. There is a very common misconception in California that spousal support lasts until one party dies. This is not...
Gray divorce is impacting women in particular
The rate of divorce between couples over 50—dubbed “gray divorce”—has been rising for over two decades now. There are several reasons for the rise in gray divorce, from longer life expectancy to simply growing apart. However, new research states that regardless of the...
4 reasons to take a lump-sum alimony payment
Divorce can foster both stress and uncertainty. After all, not only must you deal with the emotions that often accompany the end of a marriage, but you must also plan for your post-divorce financial future. If you plan to pursue spousal support, though, you may have...
How does spousal support work in California?
California helps divorcing individuals move forward financially by ordering spousal support in certain situations. Typically, so-called alimony payments have an expiration date after which the person receiving support must survive on independent income. Whether you or...
Goodbye alimony deduction. Goodbye alimony tax.
It's tax season. With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, people are talking. President Trump signed the new plan in 2017, but the changes didn't go into effect immediately. Some have taken place already and will affect returns due in April. Others will wait for next season....
There’s no gender bias when it comes to spousal support
In some divorce cases, a higher-earning spouse is ordered to pay spousal support, or alimony, to a lesser-earning spouse. The goal of spousal support is to help both parties maintain close to the same standard of living that was established during the marriage....