Having less time with your child is one of the most difficult aspects of divorce and split custody. During holiday seasons, that separation can be even more difficult for everyone. Making this time of year happy and special for your child should be the most important...
Divorce With Respect
How to make the most of your spousal support in the time you have
A common misconception is that spousal support is a factor of divorce with no end date. While there are cases in which courts may assign permanent spousal support, they also often impose only temporary support. How long these payments last depend upon the...
Does California law favor mothers in custody cases?
The belief that courts favor mothers in custody cases is an erroneous and commonly held belief, yet it has an origin in history. In the past, traditional gender roles cast mothers as the ones who raised and took care of the children. It was believed they were the...
¿Los niños tienen algo que decir sobre qué padre obtiene la custodia?
Si está terminando su matrimonio, su principal preocupación puede ser la relación con sus hijos. Incluso si usted y su cónyuge pueden llegar a un acuerdo de custodia aceptable, es probable que sus hijos tengan algunas opiniones sobre dónde quieren vivir. En...
Do kids have a say in which parent gets custody?
If you are ending your marriage, your primary concern may be your relationship with your kids. Still, whether you and your spouse are able to reach an acceptable custody arrangement, your children are likely to have some opinions about where they want to live. In...
How do you modify a child custody order in CA?
From pursuing a new career or housing opportunities to providing for your children’s changing educational and activity needs, there are many reasons you and your co-parent may want to revisit your original custody and visitation order. In California, the process for...
Rules about divorce and social security benefits
Social security benefits provide older Americans with substantial financial support. Not every retired person in California receives a pension or has significant personal savings. Therefore, monthly social security deposits help single people and married couples...
Trusts blocking wife from assets in her divorce
The end of a marriage requires couples to divide their property, but the divorce drama of one wealthy couple now centers around a secretive trust allegedly used to block a spouse from assets. The wife of a man who earned billions as the founder of a high-speed trading...
How do you put your relationship mistakes in the past?
Where did it start to go wrong? What role did I play? What could I have done differently? Reflecting on a situation gone wrong is good. You learn and grow from understanding past mistakes. It can help you avoid them in the future. There is a difference between...
Announcing your divorce online? Here’s a few tips to follow
Ending your marriage is not an easy decision. You may struggle with the decision for weeks, months or even years before you decide to file for divorce. It may take even more time to get used to the decision. That’s only your decision. Now, you must tell the other...