Divorce With Respect

3 must-have qualities for divorce mediators

On Behalf of | Oct 31, 2018 | English, Firm News, Mediation And Collaborative Divorce | 0 comments

In cases where soon-to-be ex-spouses are on relatively good terms, mediation provides many benefits over a traditional divorce. If you and your ex decide to enlist the assistance of a mediator to help you settle divorce-related matters, it’s important that you both feel comfortable and confident in his or her ability to help you resolve issues related to matters including your finances, child custody and visitation schedules.

In addition to learning more about a mediator’s professional training and background, a mediator should also possess the following traits and attributes:


Even if you and your ex agree that divorce is your best option, the process is bound to be emotional. As you attempt to figure out how to untangle your lives and provide a stable environment for your children, you need a mediator who is empathetic and sympathetic to the difficulties you’re facing.

Fair and impartial

Regardless of the circumstances that led to your divorce, there’s nothing worse than feeling as though you’re being judged by the very professional you hire to help you through this difficult process. A good mediator must remain neutral, yet also somehow be able to convey that they are rooting for your success.

Knowledgeable and supportive

A mediator must be highly knowledgeable about California’s divorce laws and all related rules. They should also be able to answer questions and provide resources for other legal and personal services such as how to amend estate planning documents, family counseling and financial planning services.

Above all, a mediator should be fully committed to helping you and your ex succeed in reaching agreements that are mutually-beneficial and accepted and that allow you both to move forward with your post-divorce lives.

