Divorce With Respect

Building a solid team for a collaborative divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 17, 2018 | English, Firm News, Mediation And Collaborative Divorce | 0 comments

Getting divorced is not as easy as getting married. There are financial, parental and personal details to resolve in accordance with state laws, not to mention the emotional challenges of ending a marriage. This can all prove to be overwhelming.

Understand, though, that you do not have to resolve these matters alone, particularly if you pursue a collaborative divorce in California. In these cases, you can have a team behind you helping you pursue a fair outcome.

Collaborative divorce involves out-of-court negotiations to reach agreements on issues like child custody and property division. This process allows for – and in fact, encourages – professional assistance. As such, there are some valuable parties you may want on your team.

  • An attorney experienced in collaborative law – In California, parties in collaborative divorce work with their own attorneys. These attorneys will sign contracts with clients committing to the collaborative process. If it is unsuccessful, parties agree to find new representation for litigation.
  • Financial professionals – There are myriad financial elements involved in a divorce, from appraising assets to calculating spousal and child support. Having an accountant or other financial professional on your team can be crucial, particularly if you have concerns about hidden assets or if there are complicated or substantial assets to address.
  • Child specialists – A child specialist is a party focused on the child(ren) in a divorce. This person does not work on behalf of one parent, but rather advocates for the child to ensure custody agreements reflect his or her best interests.
  • Divorce coach – Having a divorce coach greatly benefits the parties. The coaches provide personal guidance and a supportive ear to help you through the emotional challenges of a divorce. A coach might help you clarify your goals, cope with setbacks and develop strategies for coping when your ex is making things difficult.

With the help of these and other professionals, you can have the support you need to navigate a collaborative divorce as well as confidence in the agreements you reach. While there can still be challenges along the way, having a solid team can make a difficult situation a little easier.

