It might be out of context for people to plan for the holiday season in July or August. After all, at the height of the summer, people are more likely to shop for barbeques and lawn furniture than holiday wreaths and Christmas trees. But online retailer Amazon may be on to something with its Prime Day sale.
So is it really important to plan for the holidays during the summer?
For divorcing and separated parents, planning in this manner may be especially important. There may be no current court order that dictates who has parenting time and when. This may also cause conflict with long-held traditions. Simply put, the longer a parent waits to address parenting time questions, the less likely they will be resolved when the holidays come around.
Keep in mind that family court judges may have holiday vacations planned themselves and may not be on the bench during the week of Christmas, or just before New Year’s for that matter. So a request filed in late November may not be resolved in time will not be timely.
Also, judges expect parents to share time with the children, even if there is no court order established, because of how special the holiday season should be for kids. So if you’re dealing with someone who is being difficult during the summer, it is worth taking time to plan now to have a discussion regarding holiday plans. If you are unable to reach an agreement, going to court is always the last resort. Seeking the help of a professional to help the two of you come up with a reasonable schedule is always preferable.
If you have additional questions about securing holiday parenting time, an experienced family law attorney can help.