Divorce With Respect

Financial decisions that can help you adjust to life post-divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2015 | Divorce, English, Firm News, Sacramento Legal Issues Blog | 0 comments

There is no doubt that getting divorced can affect your financial stability. This is true whether you (or your ex) did not work or if you and your ex both were employed. When you get divorced, the money and assets that supported one single household must be split between two people which can cause some anxiety and fear about your financial future.

However, even though money can be tight and finances can be confusing after the dissolution of your marriage, there are some things you can consider doing in order to ease some of the economic strain you may be feeling.

To begin with, you may want to consider downsizing your home, car and other significant expenses. This can be difficult, but being weighed down by huge mortgage or loan payments can make it hard to keep your head above water, which can only add stress to the situation.

You can also make a short- and long-term budget that includes child and spousal support that did not exist before, if it has been ordered. By planning ahead, you can anticipate how the payments will affect your monthly income and taxes. As noted in this article on Entreprenuer.com, it can also help you avoid any unpleasant surprises, especially if you are the one collecting alimony for only a short period of time.

It could also be necessary to assess your employment options. If you have been out of work for some time, you may need to consider taking classes or seeking out training programs to help you get back on track professionally. In many cases, thinking about this during the divorce process can help you secure a settlement that reflects potential financial challenges in going back to work.

Besides these and other adjustments that you can make, you should also keep in mind that things can get easier over time. Planning ahead, asking questions and making a few small, albeit difficult, decisions can help you take control of your financial future and make the post-divorce transition a little smoother.

