Many parents are focusing on summer activities, now that school is out. And while it’s true that this is a time for families to enjoy summer vacations and other warm weather activities, now is also the best time to start planning for the next school year. Getting...
Successful co-parenting after a breakup or divorce is a challenge. While parents generally want to do what is right for their children, they may have a hard time agreeing with one another about what that actually entails. Additionally, the need to frequently interact...
A California divorce involves the resolution of both personal and financial issues. Spouses have to discuss the division of their property and the need for financial support. If they have any children together, then they may also need to make arrangements to share...
Summer weddings and June brides are right around the corner. If you’re engaged, getting a wedding and honeymoon planned can be a consuming process, but you can’t forget to start taking steps to protect your financial future as well. If you’re engaged, now is the time...
Divorce usually inspires an assortment of financial concerns. People worry about paying for divorce, as the process generates thousands of dollars in costs. They also frequently worry about what property division might mean for their future financial stability. Those...
The family courts play a role in every California divorce. However, those who file uncontested divorces can usually expect a much faster, less expensive divorce process than those who require judicial intervention to settle with differences. Those who negotiate a...
One of the hardest things that divorced parents have to cope with is the fact that they usually won’t be able to spend as much time with their children as they like. Fortunately, a liberal virtual visitation agreement can come to the rescue, allowing both you and your...
The holiday season is usually filled with optimism and excitement, but all of that can come crashing down in January when one-half of a couple suddenly announces that they want a divorce. Every year, family law attorneys note that there’s a sudden surge in divorce...
Getting divorced is difficult. It can be mentally and physically taxing. You are going to have to learn a new way to communicate and interact with your spouse if you are going to work out details of important issues such as the care of your children, how to pay bills,...
Divorce often results in a variety of financial challenges, some of which can persist for years. Filing for divorce costs money, and the property division process necessarily splits assets between the former members of a couple. Additionally, the courts can sometimes...