When separating or divorcing parents are working out how they’re going to jointly parent their child, there are a multitude of scenarios and schedules they can choose from. In some cases, they can’t reach an agreement, and a judge has to decide. While it’s not the...
Some married couples go to therapy together and have a series of discussions before filing for divorce. Other times, the decision to divorce may feel like it comes out of nowhere. Spouses served with divorce documents are often shocked and unsure of what to do next....
Collaborative divorce offers a peaceful way to end a marriage by encouraging open communication and mutual agreement. However, when one spouse earns significantly more than the other, navigating financial decisions can feel challenging. With the right approach, you...
If you’re preparing to divorce in your 50s or later, you’re likely looking forward to retirement. Whether it’s traveling the world, turning a long-time hobby into a full-time one or relaxing and enjoying life in a condo overlooking Lake Tahoe, you may wonder if that...
Preparing for property division negotiations or litigation can be a daunting matter. Particularly when spouses have enjoyed a comfortable standard of living throughout their marriage, they may have reason to worry about unfair property division outcomes. The state's...
Adjusting to shared custody can be very difficult for parents. Most adults have a hard time going multiple days without seeing their children. Separation from the children can be more anxiety-inducing and upsetting on certain days as opposed to others. For many...
Shared custody arrangements can easily lead to disputes between parents. They may struggle to share parenting time or to agree on key decisions about their children. Simply dividing overnight access to and responsibility for the children is inadequate. If parents want...
Many married couples view their pets as members of their family unit. Some intentionally child-free couples adopt dogs or cats to grow their families instead of having children. Plenty of couples who share children also have household pets. Companion animals can...
Gray divorces unfold in largely the same ways that other divorces do. The same basic California family statutes apply. One spouse may have an obligation to provide the other with alimony in some cases, and the spouses have to find an equitable way to divide their...
As the name implies, collaborative divorce is exactly that: a collaboration. While each spouse hires their own attorney, both parties and their attorneys work together – not against each other – to find a settlement that benefits the family as a whole. Courts do not...