When divorcing, if you have children, an important topic is child custody. If you are an involved parent, you may want to see your children as much as possible. However, your ex-spouse may want the same. Because of this, it could take time and assistance to reach a...
Divorce With Respect
Child Custody
Child custody and the holiday season
Having less time with your child is one of the most difficult aspects of divorce and split custody. During holiday seasons, that separation can be even more difficult for everyone. Making this time of year happy and special for your child should be the most important...
3 important rules for co-parents around holidays and birthdays
Trying to share both time with and responsibility for your children with their other parent can be quite a challenge. Parents often struggle to adjust to shared custody or co-parenting arrangements when they first start living separately. Still, families eventually...
Tips to help parents talk to children about divorce
It's very difficult to know how to talk to your children about divorce. It's a complicated subject that you feel may be difficult for them to understand, but it's also something that they need to know about because it's going to change their life. If you are wondering...
3 rules for co-parents that can help the family thrive
A divorce or breakup won't just be difficult for the couple involved. Any children that they share will inevitably have to adjust to life after the family changes. Co-parenting arrangements are often very stressful for parents and kids alike, and the more conflict...
Who controls your child’s medical care when you’re divorced?
You thought that you and your spouse had talked through all the important issues before you ever got married and had kids – but something changed. You went one direction with your beliefs and your spouse went the other, and you found yourself increasingly incompatible...
4 tips for a safe and effective child custody exchange
During your divorce, a child custody plan will be created. It’s important to follow this plan to avoid issues. However, there are some situations when disagreements or violence occur between parents. To protect everyone involved, it’s important to learn how to ensure...
Tips for getting into the swing of school when you share custody
Back-to-school time is a rough season for children who are trying to adjust to their new schedule. For kids who have newly separated or divorced parents, there is another dynamic that they have to adjust to – living in two homes instead of one. One of the best ways...
California bill would limit access of dangerous parents to kids
Too often, parents with a history of domestic violence against a spouse or partner are still allowed to have child visitation or even custody rights -- even when the other parent has warned the court that it’s not safe for the children to be around them. We’ve seen...
New testimony and visitation protections for children
A new law taking effect January 1, 2023, expands protections for children in family court. These protections seek to ensure the well-being of children testifying in custody matters and provide greater accountability regarding unsupervised visitation orders. Testify in...