Divorce With Respect

3 warning signs that a spouse may be about to file for divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 21, 2025 | Divorce |

Some married couples go to therapy together and have a series of discussions before filing for divorce. Other times, the decision to divorce may feel like it comes out of nowhere. Spouses served with divorce documents are often shocked and unsure of what to do next.

The time it takes to adjust to the possibility of a divorce can undermine their ability to effectively respond to the divorce petition. Responding spouses have a limited window of opportunity in which to contest the terms proposed in the divorce petition and secure their own legal representation.

Those who recognize the early warning signs of a potential divorce on the horizon may be able to better prepare themselves for upcoming family law matters. What are some of the most common warning signs that divorce might be on the horizon?

A sudden change in dynamics

People sometimes assume that divorce is likely when a previously happy couple begins fighting consistently. Increased conflict can be a warning sign of impending divorce. However, the opposite can also be a red flag of imminent divorce. If spouses suddenly stop arguing, that might be the calm before the storm. One spouse may have emotionally detached from the relationship, which allows them to more gracefully avoid conflict.

A surprise interest in finances

It is common for couples to divide household responsibilities. Frequently, one spouse manages paying the bills and filing the income tax returns. If the other spouse suddenly starts asking for financial records, that may be an indicator that they have begun the process of collecting the documents they are likely to require during divorce.

A positive change in appearance

Many people experience an improvement in self-care habits after they divorce. Thinking about dating again can inspire people to get back to the gym or to improve their personal grooming habits. Those intending to file for divorce often don’t wait for a legal change in their circumstances to begin working on themselves. One spouse making a concerted effort to improve their appearance could be indicative of their intent to change their circumstances. It could also potentially be a warning sign of infidelity.

Recognizing the signs that a spouse might soon file for divorce can help people better protect themselves. Those facing divorce need to learn about state law and typically require support as they negotiate divorce terms.

