Filing for divorce is a big decision. If you are like most people, you’ve given a lot of thought and consideration to it.
However, if you decide that divorce is the right option for your situation, you must consider how to proceed with the process. Many couples are choosing divorce mediation instead of a traditional divorce process.
What is divorce mediation?
Divorce mediation is a process used to help you and your spouse agree on contested issues. During the mediation process, a third party helps you work out contested parts of the divorce. This may include child custody, child support, property division and more. However, before deciding on divorce mediation, it is important to consider if it is the right option for your situation.
Is the divorce mutual?
In some cases, both people decide it is time to divorce. If this is the case, you will likely benefit from going through mediation. However, if your divorce is contentious, it may not be the right course of action.
No history of domestic violence or abuse
Both parties must be ready to attend several meetings with each other, the mediator and their attorney or legal representative. However, if there is a history of abuse or violence, this may make mediation a difficult and uncomfortable process. Additionally, it can be hard to determine if one party is agreeing to things because of intimidation or fear.
Determining if mediation is right for you
Divorce is rarely pleasant or easy. However, if you choose mediation, you can avoid some of the more contentious issues in most situations. It is best to learn what legal rights you have to assert them in this situation.