Trying to raise your children on one income after a divorce isn’t easy. In fact, it might not even be possible with the high cost of housing in Sacramento. Only with child support do you have a chance of covering all of the costs that come with raising healthy, happy children.
When you first separated from the other parent of your children, the courts probably issued a support order to help you provide for them. If your ex hasn’t paid child support according to the court order, you have the right to go to court and ask for enforcement. What might that process involve?
Support enforcement often involves communicating with an employer
A parent who does not want to pay child support might switch jobs and intentionally avoid telling their ex where they work or telling their employer about their child support obligations. If you can locate your ex’s employer and notify the state, they may be able to cooperate with the employer to automatically withdraw the child support amount from their paycheck before the employer releases the funds.
Enforcement can also involve other consequences
The state can intercept lottery or gambling winnings as well as tax returns when child support is past-due. They can also deny or refuse to renew applications for driver’s licenses, recreational licenses and even occupational licenses.
In cases where a parent refuses to pay, the state could place a lien against their property or even declare them in contempt of court. Exploring the different child support enforcement options can help you better support your children after your divorce.