Divorce With Respect

Should we nest?

On Behalf of | Oct 15, 2020 | Child Custody, English |

One of the most difficult aspects of divorce is the parenting plan. In the majority of cases, parents share both legal and physical custody of children after a divorce. This is commonly known as “co-parenting.”

Co-parenting has many advantages for the children, but it can be a complicated balancing act. Some families are turning to a nesting arrangement in the aftermath of divorce to alleviate these issues. With nesting, according to Psychology Today, the children remain in the same house while the parents move in and out of the house like adult birds tending to babies in a nest.

How is this helpful?

Nesting is helpful at the beginning of a divorce. It is likely that you and your ex-spouse will need space away from each other, but this does not mean you want to move the children before you have solid plans in place. Nesting can help you provide a stable environment for your children while also getting the space you and your ex-spouse need from each other.

Nesting can also be helpful as a longer-term arrangement, particularly for families that live in expensive areas. It is possible that the parents would not be able to afford to live in the same neighborhood as single entities following a divorce. Nesting can ensure that children get to stay with their friends in familiar surroundings.

Where do the parents live?

In some situations, the parent who is not in the family home will stay with friends and family. In long-term situations, it is not uncommon for the parents to maintain a separate apartment for the “off-duty” parent to live in.

